Vinyl signs are everywhere. Look around the next time you go out. The majority of signs and vehicle graphics you see are made from vinyl because..........
- Vinyl is changeable. If you make a mistake you can remove it. If you change your product, company name, location, you can easily replace the portion of the graphic that needs it.
- Vinyl lasts longer without fading, peeling, or cracking; Average paint life for exterior use is 3 years; average vinyl life is 7 years.
- After 7 years exterior life remove old decal and replace it with a new one with apporpriate vinyl and surface preparation.
- Vinyl comes in a wide variety of colors.
- Vinyl can be applied to any smooth surface.
- Vinyl is easy to install.
- Our Standard Vinyl is rated for six years. Specialty vinyls such as gold or silver chrome, refractor, graduated, Shade Shifter®, have a varying vinyl life, particularly when used outdoors.